Monday, July 30, 2018

Hobbit House Update

The front of The Hobbit House circa 2016.

Not sure who even cares but I figured I would give an update since I have posted on this in the past.  I had planned to open a unique little store located here at our family stone yard business.  A little hobby on the side of selling antiques/vintage/unique items along with one of a kind items we have made.  It kind of did get opened but life also kind of happened.  We got our tiny building finished and opened officially back in May of 2016.  It was good and we had lots of cool stuff for sale.

Rock Turtle we made.  It was sold to a lady on the lake.

Its new home is on Lake Ray Hubbard.

However, it quickly got too hard to try and keep it going along with working 6 days a week at the busy stone yard not to mention coping with chronic pain from a failed neck surgery.  Now 2 years later I have had another neck surgery, a car wreck which gave me whiplash 12 weeks after the second surgery, along with some other road blocks.  We still have items for sale but I haven't been able to be around to open it due to all the medical stuff I have been going through. 

My old plate and screws were taken out and more levels were added.

They went in from the front and the back this time Feb. 2018.  

At this point I am just trying to take care of myself and put my life back together.  I am not able to lift much of anything yet and still suffer from pain 24/7 (but it is slowly getting better).  It takes a minimum of 1 year to heal from neck surgery so I can at least expect that after all the trauma my neck has been through.  What about The Hobbit House?  I don't know!  Not yet anyways.  I am having some sales and will be throughout the rest of the year most likely.  Taking it day by day at this point.

From a sale earlier this summer 2018.

 So yeah, I guess life really is like a box of chocolates cause you never know what you are gonna get!  We will see what life throws at me next but I will be here to catch it.

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