Sunday, February 22, 2015

5 Steps for Shopping at Garage Sales

Spring is almost here and that means garage sales.  Here are a few tips if you should decided to partake.

1.  Composure

Don't seem anxious or excited.  Take a deep breath and focus.  You are there for a purpose so get into your zone.  You don't want people realizing your eagerness either, they just may spot it and take advantage of your fragile state!

2.  Scan

Scanning is very important.  Be sure to know the area you are getting ready to ascend.  Don't let the smell of good sales throw you off balance and make you miss out on other items "hidden" around the corner!

Garage Sales
Break down the set up as you approach.  Is it all outside?  Garage?  Once you establish where everything is set up it is time to scan.  Do a quick walkabout and get an idea of what all they are selling.  Some sales are not up my alley.  If nothing catches your eye then do a more thorough search. Make sure you aren't overlooking anything.  If you see many things while scanning...dig in!  No point in waisting time if you already see many items you want.

Estate Sales
Establish where all you can go since they are usually open all through the house.  Because estate sales typically have a lot more area to cover, if you see something, grab it.  If you don't, it may not be there when you come back.  I prefer to go through each room and then go back to ones I found a lot of good stuff in just to make sure I didn't miss anything.

3.  Make A Pile

If you start having trouble holding all your finds, make a pile.  Ask the sellers where you can make a pile or if they have a box.  Don't take a chance of someone taking one of your finds when left unattended.  This also allows you to move about more freely to get down to digging for treasures!

4.  Don't Get Carried Away

Before you buy, look through your items.  The adrenaline can cause impulse buys.  Don't get junk drunk!  After the adrenaline has worn off you should be able to take off your junk drunk goggles and realize the mugs or lamp on your pile is not all that fabulous like you had first thought.  Also make sure you are getting a good deal by going over the prices.  If you have money left over, you can spend it at another sale!

5.  Pack It Right & Pack It Tight

After the sale make sure your items are secured.  Take as much time as you feel needed to do this.  Don't drive too fast!  We don't want anything breaking.

Now you can relax and think about all the things you bought.  Get home, take out the items, and bask in the glow.  Ahhh, what a great day and what great finds!

What is your style when going to garage sales?  Similar or totally different?  What are your 5 best tips?!

1 comment:

  1. 1) go where the others aren't
    2) be aware of craigslist, but never reliant
    3) bring a smartphone/IPad and research before you buy
    4) know the fine line between hitting as many sales as possible while not passing over hidden gems
    5) be ready to chew a motherfuckers arm off
